We had to:
- Rebuild the site from scratch using the Wordpress publishing system. Wordpress is a very stable, free and highly customizable solution. Its administration requires only basic level MS office skills.
- Put the Community Connections news and event calendar on the main page with the notice board, so every dynamic content and new information can be seen at once.
- Add tags to every board notice and news to categorise them for easy search.
- Provide the possibility of social bookmarking for every post (del.icio.us, digg, Facebook, Yahoo, Google).
- Integrate an e-Newsletter system, to be able to broadcast all the news to the community groups through e-mail. Every time a post is created, an automated e-mail is sent to all of the subscribers (ie. the other community groups). It is easy to subscribe/unsubscribe on the sidebar of the website.
- Make it possible to leave comments. The integrated forum improves the interactivity of the site – everyone who is registered on the site is able to contribute to the forum and create new topics.
- Make available the list of all current publications in the resources section. These publications are not for free, so we can not put them on the site as downloadable PDFs. :(
At the moment the new website is on a free host during the development period. We will transfer it onto the domain of CC that way when the board approval gets through they can start using the new site immediately.
Here are some preview of the new site.
The main page: all of the dynamic content and the "feature box" with the most relevant CC News.
The single post page: social bookmarking and commenting.
The forum section: an interactive - collaborative space.
The easy to use admin section for the office users.
And the old site :)
that is some serious work
awsome website!
Guys, you are amazing!
This is so cool!
You guys are AWESOME!!!
Go Open Eyes!
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